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LWD President Asieya Pine Celebrates 25th Anniversary

LWD President Asieya Pine Celebrates 25th Anniversary

This article was published by PDMI as “After 25 Years at LWD, Pine Espouses a Positive Vision for the Future” in their September Issue of Results Magazine

Asieya Pine, president of PDMI member company Lockard & Wechsler Direct (LWD), is celebrating her 25th anniversary at the Irvington, N.Y.-based agency. Starting as an executive assistant fresh out of college, Pine rose through the ranks of one of the direct-to-consumer market’s top independent agencies, becoming president nine years ago.

Recently, Results caught up with Pine to discuss her silver anniversary, the agency’s ongoing success, her vision of leadership, and her thoughts on the future of LWD and the performance marketing space.

Results: What are the two most memorable moments of your 25 years at Lockard & Wechsler Direct?

Asieya Pine: One of my most memorable moments at LWD happened just one year into my time with the agency. I was accepted into the M.B.A. program that I had applied for, so I went into our CEO Dick Wechsler’s office to resign. He looked at me for a moment, and then said, “I’ll pay for your M.B.A. Now go back to your desk.” Speechless, I did as he asked – and 25 years later, I’m still here and grateful to Dick for that pivotal moment in my life and career.

Another moment that stands out is the day I became vice president of client services. It wasn’t just about getting a promotion and an executive title, though. It was significant to me because I reached the VP milestone at a younger age than my father had in his career. He didn’t know it was a competition, but — for me — it was one of the proudest days of my life. My father has always been my greatest mentor, supporter, and hero, so this personal benchmark held deep meaning for me. Of course, my father was thrilled to learn I had surpassed him, and he still tears up when praising me for this achievement.

Results: What was your role when you started at LWD? Why did you choose to join the agency?

Pine: When I joined 25 years ago, LWD was a startup with a small, dedicated team that had big ambitions. Fresh out of college with a new marketing degree, I was eager to get my foot in the door and learn the ropes of the advertising world. What drew me to LWD was the energy and potential I saw in a young agency that wasn’t afraid to take risks and push boundaries.

My first job was assistant to the CEO, and I never imagined that this initial role would lead to a lifelong journey where I’ve grown alongside the agency. Today, as president, I’m so proud looking back on how far we’ve come, transforming from a startup into a top performance agency.

Results: Who were the key players who helped mentor you through your early years, and what did they do to help you begin your rise toward the role you hold today?

Pine: Dick Wechsler, our founder and CEO, has been critical to my growth and development within the agency. From the very beginning, he was more than just a boss; he was a mentor who believed in my potential. Even when I was an executive assistant, Dick had this way of treating me as if I were an equal, valuing my contributions and encouraging me to take on responsibilities far beyond my title. Whether it was handling client calls, leading meetings, or making key hiring decisions, Dick constantly pushed me to get involved and continue to grow. He never let my age, gender, or background define me. Instead, he focused on the talents I brought to the table. I’m incredibly grateful to him for taking a chance on a 23-year-old fresh out of college and for consistently inspiring me to rise to the challenges of leadership. His trust and belief in me have been the foundation of my journey to the role I hold today.

In life, my parents have been my most significant source of inspiration. As immigrants from Pakistan who arrived in the U.S. in the 1970s with nothing but a single suitcase, they faced tremendous challenges in building their lives here. Their journey was marked by hard work, resilience, and a deep commitment to supporting their families. My father was my first and most influential mentor, both professionally and personally. He spent 30 years at the same company, working his way up, and his journey taught me the value of perseverance, dedication, and integrity. His example has been a guiding light for me throughout my career. He showed me that success isn’t just about reaching the top; it’s about the commitment to improve, learn, and lead with humility. My father’s ability to rise above the challenges he faced as an immigrant always has inspired me, especially as a minority woman navigating my own path. His advice has been the cornerstone of my professional growth, and I’m forever grateful for the wisdom, strength, and values he instilled in me.

Results: What have you learned about leadership since becoming president of the agency?

Pine: I became president of LWD in April 2015. Leadership has been a journey of evolution, both for me and for the agency. I’ve learned that leadership is deeply rooted in how you treat people — clients, employees, and vendors alike. Building strong relationships of mutual respect has been crucial to our success. Another key lesson has been the importance of constant reinvention. Being adaptable and open to change is essential in our fast-paced industry.

At the same time, I’ve learned that you must also have a clear vision and long-term strategy to ground you. Leading the agency isn’t just about reacting to the challenges of the present. It’s also about anticipating the future and positioning the agency for sustainable growth. A lot of this has to do with empowering others to lead while fostering a positive and inclusive company culture.

As I reflect on it, my leadership journey has been as much about my personal growth as it has been about the agency’s growth. Through continuous self-reflection, plus seeking and receiving honest feedback from people I trust, I’ve learned from both our successes and our failures and become a more authentic and purpose-driven leader with each passing year.

Results: LWD has seen a great many transitions during the past 25 years. Can you describe how you took part in those transitions and what explains the success of LWD on this shifting landscape?

Pine: During the past 25 years, I’ve played an active role in guiding LWD through the many transitions in the media landscape. From the shift in how people respond to advertising to the rapid evolution of media consumption with the rise of streaming TV, staying ahead of these changes has been essential to our success. At LWD, we’ve consistently implemented new tools and technologies to keep pace with these shifts.

We developed PlanPro™, a proprietary linear TV planning tool that allows us to effectively reach targeted audiences at optimal pricing. We’ve made significant investments in our proprietary video attribution technology SmartMatch 360™, as well. This technology, combined with the strong relationships we’ve built across the media landscape, has driven significant growth in our CTV success.

Looking ahead, to ensure that LWD not only maintains its position but continues to grow, we’ll need to stay ahead of marketplace trends and continue to be proactive. That means we’ll need to continue to invest in the ongoing evolution of our media technology, ensuring we’re always equipped with the most advanced tools to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients. I’m confident that by continuing to foster a culture of innovation and agility coupled with our delivery of cutting-edge solutions, LWD can remain at the forefront of the industry driving results and tapping into new opportunities.

Results: What do you consider your biggest successes during your time leading the agency?

Pine: I’ve always been a numbers person focused on metrics, so I measure my own successes in terms of the agency’s success metrics. One of these is growth. Since I became president in 2015, our agency has seen significant growth in annual billings, and our team has expanded to 100 talented professionals. This impressive success is a direct result of the strategies we’ve put in place, such as maintaining a relentless focus on delivering exceptional client service, providing sound strategic guidance, and staying ahead of industry trends.

Additionally, we’ve made it a priority to create a positive work environment that encourages growth and opportunity for our team members. Under my leadership, we’ve achieved an impressive average employee tenure of more than 10 years and an average client tenure of more than 10 years — both of which are accomplishments I’m particularly proud of as a leader.

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